Why New Technology is so Complicated
Ever wondered why the new cool thing is so complicated? There is a very good article which explains just that. In a nutshell: When the technology is invented, it’s invented by experts in the field....
View ArticleWhen to micromanage
When it comes to work, there are two extremes: There are those people who are enthusiastic and, once started, can hardly be stopped and there are the ones which think “Monday, 9:00am, and the weeks...
View ArticleTurth
In another blog, I read a comment “I want the ‘truth‘.” Uh huh. The “Truth.” What is “The Truth”? A little thought experiment. A police officer walks along a house. Suddenly, a shot is fired. Three...
View ArticleThe Audacity of Hope
I’ve just started reading “The Audacity of Hope” by Barack Obama. In the first chapter, he talks about a change in how politics are being made. Before the change, people would reason which each other...
View ArticleFinal Java Questions
Recently, I read a blog post which talked how “stupid” today’s developers are. As an example, “the interviewed candidates claims that they are very good at core java and saying that we can’t add/remove...
View ArticleMake Money Fast (Or Not)
There is no safe way to get rich. Proof: There are still poor people. How is that a proof? If there was a simple, safe and legal way to get rich, a lot of people (= all those who know about it) would...
View ArticleJazoon 2012: Stay Human – on the future of men and robots
What I like about the Jazoon is that they try to widen your horizon. We had presentations how to publish books, psychology and the NASA. This year, the closing keynote was about androids – as in...
View ArticleThe End is Nigh
No, the world doesn’t end 2012 but it will soon be a much less hospitable place for us humans. Before I share my view, what do you believe will be the most prominent factor in the massive reduction of...
View ArticleLet Not RIP Aaron Swartz’ Legacy
Aaron Swartz is dead. There is no arguing the fact, we can only disagree why he died. His girlfriend says: “I believe Aaron’s death was caused by exhaustion, by fear, and by uncertainty.” (source) I,...
View ArticleJustice with Michael Sandel
Justice, even more than money, is a key motivator for people. This is true for simple experiments, like the Ultimatum Game, and big topics, like the global financial crisis of 2007/08. Michael Sandel...
View ArticleHow We See Things
We don’t see things how they are, but how we are. As Sheldon from Big Bang Theory said: “Text adventures run on the world’s most powerful graphics chip: Imagination!“ Everything you see or hear happens...
View ArticleHandicapped
Disabled people aren’t handicapped, they are getting obstructed. Tagged: Philosophy
View ArticleBalancing Security
For your IT security, you want Security It must be cheap And comfortable Now choose at most two. As always in life, everything has a cost. There is no cheap way to be secure which is also comfortable....
View ArticleHow Much do You Have to Hide?
When confronted with surveillance the usual reply is “nothing to hide.” This answer is wrong. Let me tell you a story. For over one hundred years, the city of Amsterdam had a census. They know your...
View ArticleParis
The foundation of civilization is the ability of the community to withstand their own death wishes and murderous instincts — André Glucksmann (source; my own translation) There are people who will tell...
View ArticleTechnical Solutions to Amok Runs
Every now and then, an idiot realizes that his life isn’t exciting enough and decides to do something about it. Note: I apply humor to horror. Some people (I think of them as idiots as well, just a...
View ArticleRisks of Artificial Intelligence
There is a growing group of people arguing how AIs will one day kill us, either by loving or hating us to death. I find their arguments interesting but lacking an important factor: AI is created by (a...
View ArticleYour Phone Should be Your Butler
A lot of people share private details with the world without being aware of it. For example, they take nude pictures with their phones (NSA keeps a copy, just in case) or they sell the phone without...
View ArticleArtificial Ethics
While watching this video, I wondered: We’re using machine learning to earn money on the stock market and to make computers understand speech. Why not ethics? Around @26:00 , Isaac talks about ways to...
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